The Canadian Society of Clinical Hypnosis (B.C. Division) is an organization of professionals in medicine, psychology, dentistry, and other allied professions, who share scientific and clinical interest in hypnosis. The Society began as a component section of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) and was incorporated in 1961 as the Canadian Society of Clinical Hypnosis (BC Division). Ours is an active Society which holds regular meetings for members to share their professional wisdom, and hosts several training workshops each year. We welcome attendance from members of the Societies in the other provinces, members of ASCH, and members of the International Society of Hypnosis (ISH). Most of our workshops are open to all regulated health professionals wanting to learn the art and science of clinical hypnosis.
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The Society currently has approximately 80 professional members in Vancouver, Burnaby, Surrey, Abbotsford, Victoria, Nanaimo, Kamloops, and other locations throughout B.C. Full contact information is shown in the directory for those members who are currently accepting referrals.
CSCH Membership
The CSCH provides and encourages educational programs to further the knowledge and understanding of hypnosis and to promote the acceptance of hypnosis as an important tool of clinical medicine, psychology, dentistry, and counselling practices. Our membership also supports scientific and applied research into hypnosis.
Upcoming Workshops
The Canadian Society of Clinical Hypnosis provides training programs for its members and for other qualified health professionals. The eligibility requirements for upcoming courses are specified in each course outline. From time to time, the Society provides lectures, seminars, and workshops which are open to the public.
Mission Statement:
To support education and collegial exchange for integrating clinical hypnosis among duly licensed and regulated professionals.
To support members of the public seeking information and referral to responsible healthcare professionals who are appropriately trained in clinical hypnosis.